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We each have our own story as to why we ended up pursuing the career we are in.  We hope to be a part of the story, even the impetus, for the next generation of medical leaders entering the field.  Here are some hands-on experience stories from two of our Founders, Dr. Zack Shinar, MD and Dr. Andrew Eads, MD.

Dr. Shinar spent one summer during his undergraduate years working with an American-trained physician in rural Thailand.  The doctor did any and every medical procedure possible to save lives – even ones he was reading how to do for the first time whilst his patients lay helpless on the operating table.  It wasn’t sitting at a desk and helping businesses earn more money that mattered anymore to Zack.  It was giving of himself, his talents, and his time to care for those who needed to be helped and healed.

For emERge Founder Dr. Eads, it was a car accident he was in.  In his own words:

“A good friend of mine was severely injured in a car accident and had a lot of medical needs.  In addition to a traumatic brain injury, he was left in a vegetative state requiring around-the-clock care up until his death, nine-and-a-half years later.  He suffered from seizures.  I don’t know if he had any moments of alertness or consciousness.  It wasn’t exciting and cutting edge medicine, but it was the solemn, noble, and equally important side of simply caring for a person in need.  There wasn’t a solution, recovery, or miracle,  and you don’t always get that in medicine, but I was there helping taking care of him.

I saw the difference that a physician could make in the lives of people in need again in Hawaii.  My first hands-on experience was working as a tech in a hospital in Hawaii at age 22.  I found my mentors in Hawaii.  Prior to that summer, I hadn’t known any doctors PERSONALLY.  Having the opportunity to actually meet doctors and interact with them really helped me.  I also saw how medical care could be done poorly.  While I was there, I called my parents to let them know I was going to apply for medical school.

In my “Life as an MD/RN” breakout session at emERge, I really enjoy answering our attendees’ questions.  Here are 16 and 17 year old students asking HOW much school?  Is it really HARD?  It’s so long!  I like to dispel the myths about it not being the least bit enjoyable.  All of the hard work is so amazing.  You meet the best people.  You are constantly amazed and humbled by the people you are around.  I don’t think you can say that about other careers.  The whole journey to becoming a doctor is a lot more enjoyment than struggle.

To a parent considering sending their teen to emERGe, I would say we are trying to give their teen the most immersive, helpful, fun, inspiring, and useful experience we can for someone at their level of education and maturity.  It’s all pf those things packed into one full day.  We are trying to fill in the gaps between where they are now and becoming a physician – all of the different possibilities and careers within medicine –  and inspire them to want to take the journey and get there.”


Summer medical programs

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